Saturday, June 30, 2007

Mourning the Loss of Jon Kyl

While the defeat of the immigration bill was a great victory for the average citizen, we must pause to mourn the tremendous loss we conservatives have suffered. Senator Kyl has done himself tremendous - likely irreparable - harm. Succumbing to the lure of the Beltway mindset, he has caused many good people to question his judgment. We are dismayed to see the debilitating effect of the DC disease on one of our stars.

As the immigration debacle dragged on, Kyl's stubborn refusal to turn against the obvious flaws was dispiriting. Pride goeth before a fall. How great has been his fall.

His error? He failed to trust his constituents and the power of standing up for what is right. So he bargained with the devil and got nothing but compounding trouble in return. This series of errors in judgment is so profoundly fundamental, I fear political recovery is not possible. The tarnished reputation is the result of the company he chose to keep (Kennedy, Graham, McCain, Lott).

Is he a nice guy? Seems to be. Does he get a lot of things right? Absolutely. But with all of Achilles' strengths, he had one weakness that destroyed him.

Here's wishing Senator Kyl a long, enjoyable retirement.

Looking for a new, rising, conservative star in Arizona. Needed for the 2012 election.

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